Our parents and care givers are a vital part of the lifeblood at SPS and take an active interest in the learning of their children. In particular, building the Home School-Partnership to improve student learning outcomes. Parents are able to participate through a variety of formal and informal activities that support the engagement and learning of students through School Council, sub committees, volunteering in the classroom, working bees, participating in our science and maths expos, parent focus groups, working parties, and play groups. Parent HelpersDo you have an interest, skills or knowledge in any of the following?
Do you enjoy working with children in the classroom or on excursions?Are you the sort of person who can think of new and different ways of doing things?Can you help run meetings?Do you have any contacts in business or the community?
You can help the school and your children by:
The meeting dates are listed in the fortnightly Newsletter. Remember everyone at some stage is a ‘first timer’ and it takes time to get to know people. You will always be warmly welcomed. A newsletter article early in the year will list many ways in which families can contribute to the school community. Some of the ways will be:
Working Bees
Working Bees are organised periodically by theSchoolCouncil Building and Grounds Subcommittee and help to maintain the grounds and facilities. They are an ideal opportunity for people who are unable to assist during the week, and your contribution is greatly appreciated.School Participation
There are variety of ways in which families are able to help across the school, they include:
Classes often have special events that you are welcome to attend. Families are invited to come and join their child and class teacher, Principal, other staff and other families for an informal and enjoyable time. Such opportunities foster a greater sense of belonging within the school. It is proven that children whose families actively participate in their school have a higher rate of success, both academically and socially. The Sunshine Primary School community encourages a high level of informal participation on many levels and hope that you will take the opportunity to make the most of these.