




Our Library offers a warm and welcoming learning environment for our students and staff and is situated in the recently refurbished heritage listed building of our school.

The Library houses an excellent and relevant library collection that supports
the curriculum as well as the wide variety of interests of students and teachers.


Every student at Sunshine Primary School has a weekly timetabled Library lesson.

Each class is developing a love of literature and learning, safe and authoritative research skills, ICT proficiency and the understanding of the Dewey Decimal Classification System.





Books are borrowed for periods of one week.
Prep to Year 2 students may borrow 1 book per week.

Year 3 to Year 6 students may borrow 3 books per week.

Overdue Notices are sent out once a term and if items are damaged or lost there is a replacement fee.

Prep to Year 6 students must have a library bag to allow them to borrow.